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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Where to protest US actions in Iraq

A rally/march is being organized Saturday, January 4, at noon, at Powell and Market Streets in downtown San Francisco. It's part of coordinated protest...

Bingeing on dystopia: The politico-cultural decade in review

Gore Vidal once remarked that the three saddest words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates,” but from the vantage point of late...

Our top stories of 2019

From the election of Chesa Boudin and Dean Preston to a renewed spirit of arts and culture in the face of displacement, the 48...

The violence of wealth-hoarding

Your ambivalence is violence Your paralysis is more homelessness Your hoarding creates our  impoverished life story I have shared with descendants of wealth-hoarders, land stealers who know that...

Review: Hanukkah with the Klezmatics? You bet your latkes.

On December 22, The Klezmatics celebrated the first night of Hanukkah at the SFJAZZ  but—unfortunately for San Franciscans—unlike the oil in the Macabees’ lamp,...

Foreign Correspondent: An open letter to a Trump-supporting friend

I first met Robby Robertson during the 1969 General Electric strike. He was a young, militant worker fighting for a decent contract and social...

[UPDATED] Outrage as CBS announces development of Ghost Ship show

UPDATE: After readers responded, Waldman and Chabon have decided not to go ahead with the show.  The San Jose Mercury News reported on Tuesday that...

Control of SF Democratic Party up for grabs in March

California will for once play a significant role in choosing the Democratic nominee for president, since the state has moved up its primary to...

Arts Forecast: Drag Queens on Ice, Burning Man: The Musical, more

Blades will slice, crystals will fly, Mariah will be Careyed up to the high heavens. OK, it's not as dramatic as all that—I wish—but...

Foreign Correspondent: What’s next for Bolivia after military coup?

In 2005, I sat in a lounge off the Senate chamber in La Paz, Bolivia, waiting for an interview. I was wearing my best...