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Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Tagged with: Foreign Policy

Foreign Correspondent: An open letter to a Trump-supporting friend

I first met Robby Robertson during the 1969 General Electric strike. He was a young, militant worker fighting for a decent contract and social...

Foreign correspondent: Turkey plans attack on Syrian Kurds

ISTANBUL —The Turkish government plans to use Syrian refugees to displace the local Kurdish population in northern Syria. But so far, the scheme isn’t...

Elizabeth Warren on war and peace

In the last few months Senator Elizabeth Warren has gained ground in public opinion polls tracking the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination....

The end of Joe Biden as a serious candidate for president

The second round of the Great Debate tonight -- and it's a flawed concept -- started with a kind of bogus question about socialism....

Eight ‘Big Ideas’ at MoveOn Forum

On Saturday afternoon, eight Democratic presidential hopefuls appeared for MoveOn’s “Big Ideas Forum” in San Francisco. Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Beto O’Rourke,...

Bernie and Biden: A foreign policy analysis

Supporters of former Vice President Joe Biden praise him as a man with extensive foreign policy experience. He’s living proof, however, that extensive doesn’t...

Will Julian Assange get a fair trial in the US?

British police dragged Wikileaks founder Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11, witnessed by a scrum of international media. Authorities...

Venezuela: Democratic uprising or US coup?

  Tens of thousands of angry people march in the streets to protest lack of democracy. Women bang on pots to raise alarm over the...

Trump: The sudden anti-war champion?

Last week President Donald Trump surprised the world, and much of his own staff, by announcing plans to pull more than 2,000 US troops...

Sex, Russia, and impeachment

NEW YORK --America's largest city is abuzz over the latest revelations about Donald Trump's crimes. I'm here on A book tour discussing Iran, but...