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Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Tagged with: Houseless

Tiny homes with giant restrictions are not a solution to homelessness

Tiny tombs, I mean tiny homes Not a place to call our own  Tiny tombs better describes the triggerr of those jail-like rooms  The InsideNOTsafe is a...

The 54-year battle for People’s Park continues

The cops are back. Barricades are up. The unhoused are evicted. Cars are towed. UC doesn't care.

Why not let the unhoused take over some empty SF office buildings?

Rally suggests solution to downtown vacancies—and homelessness

Who should pay for more cops? Plus: high-speed police chases ….

... and alternatives for the future of downtown. That's The Agenda for Nov. 5-12

Save the Redstone Building!

The historic building has housed progressive groups for decades. Can it survive a a home for the left?

Lies, damn lies, and the new ‘report’ on San Francisco government

Ignore the realities of SF politics. Ignore a wide-ranging corruption scandal. Just go after district elections. That's what the Rose Institute, funded by Michael Moritz, is doing.

Legendary Oakland martial arts club—and its founder—face eviction

Casco's Martial Arts may be forced to close, and Sensei Owens and his wife forced into homelessness.

Begging, sadly, for protection from eviction at Oakland’s Wood Street community

A bicycle convoy to Sacramento shows how legislators duck the crisis.

The exceptional hobo

The violence of exceptionalism on stolen land.

A houseless woman gives birth in a porta potty in Oakland—and the baby lives

No pre-natal care. Nowhere to go. And yet, thanks to community action, mama and child are okay.