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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: November Ballot

Prison—or programs that actually work?

Prop. 36 would lock more people up—and undermine proven solutions that break the cycle of crime and incarceration.

Supes approve rent control bill after Safai tries a delay tactic

Building trades unions try to derail measure, but fall short. What will Breed do?

Preston gets SRO elevators fixed—and rent control could be a fall campaign issue

Peskin measure before supes puts key tenant issue in the political debate. That's The Agenda for Sept. 3-8.

Why the critical housing bond died

No statewide leadership, no strategy, foolish errors—the 'moderates' bungled one of the most important housing proposals in decades.

Media Week: Should Kamala Harris do more press interviews?

Plus: the Chron's Peskin problem, and what is a 'moderate' anyway?

New Farrell corruption allegations could make case for inspector general initiative

Peskin proposal (and mayoral campaign) may benefit from ongoing reports (and ongoing scandals at CIty Hall).

Big Real Estate wants to prevent effective rent control—and is pushing SF supes

Showdown looms next week on state ballot measure that would let local government regulate rents on new housing, vacant apartments.

A truly bizarre debate on rent control at the Board of Supes

Stefani, Dorsey argue that protecting tenants is somehow a Nimby plot to block new housing.

The good, the bad, and the very scary on the November ballot

State ballot measure would promote inequality and damage local government; SF measures take on affordability and corruption.

Lawyers say DA is using terrible crime for political gain …

... While Jenkins and her allies can't seem to get the facts right.