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Tagged with: Parties

The Karl Marx Tree: How Southern Pacific Railroad killed a socialist colony in the name of creating Yosemite National Park

  By Marc Norton AUGUST 27, 2014 -- There has been considerable hoopla this summer around the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln putting his signature...

Media misses: Taxes, the economy, and Harvey Milk

By Tim Redmond AUGUST 18, 2014 -- Yes, I listen to NPR. KPFA, of course, but also NPR. That makes me an Old Liberal Leftist,...

Politics: The future of Airbnb regulations

By Tim Redmond JULY 10, 2014 -- There won’t be an Airbnb initiative on the November ballot – but the issue, and the possibility of...

Protesters in jail after Kink.com “prison party”

By Erin McElroy JUNE 30, 2014 -- Seven queer activists were arrested on Saturday night, June 28th, following a protest against a San Francisco Pride...

Pride: Parties and politics as housing activists take over Google float

Grand Marshall Tommi Avicolli Mecca won a fabulosity ribbon after his contingent Occupied the Google float. By Tim Redmond JUNE 29, 2014 – Wow, what a...

Tom’s Town, Pride Edition: The struggles past, present, and future

By Tom Temprano Everywhere you go in San Francisco, Pride is in the air. From the Castro bars overcrowded with queers visiting from around the...

Politics on Tuesday: Deals on minimum wage, health-care accounts; something screwy going on with housing proposal

Supervisors London Breed and Mark Farrell worked with David Campos to craft a health-care bill that everyone could accept. By Tim Redmond JUNE 10, 2014 --...

Politics on Tuesday: The missing issue in the campaign for Superior Court judge

By Tim Redmond MAY 27, 2014 -- I think it’s safe to say many of the people voting June 6th barely understand why there’s a...

Lawsuit could mandate local control for Lyft, UberX, and SideCar

By Tim Redmond A taxi association has filed a pair of legal appeals that could directly undermine the state’s decision to allow companies like Uber,...

Bay to Breakers is fun. And that’s in short supply these days

By Tim Redmond The weather was San Francisco perfect, cool, a bit of a breeze, with the sun finally breaking through. Things were running a...