Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tagged with: Police Commission

The year in homeless policy

A few successes and a lot of failures as people on the streets stayed at risk during the pandemic.

The last time an SF cop was charged with killing a Black man

It was 1968. The trial was a sensation. The outcome was a disaster.

Supes approve police contract that many agree is a bad deal

Facing threats of layoffs and promises of POA remorse, board approves raises for cops with no guarantees they will stop blocking reforms.

Supes to vote on cops contract — as new records show history of blocking reform

Documents reveal a stunning pattern of the POA trying to prevent reforms -- but a deal to give the cops raises with no concessions is still pending approval.

Major police reform item at supes committee Thursday

Should the city give raises to the POA without any new accountability?

30 SF candidates sound off on how they would support sexual assault survivors

The Coalition of Local Anti-Rape Advocates questionnaire grills candidates on how they would support houseless, undocumented, and incarcerated survivors.

Monster in the Mission is now 100 percent affordable housing

A lesson in community organizing. Plus: Half the cops who broke the rules get no discipline -- and some new rules to prevent city ethics scandals. That's The Agenda for Sept. 7-14

A quiet, sweetheart deal for the cops

The Board of Supes will meet in closed session Tuesday/18 to discuss negotiations with city employee unions, and one of the issues on the...

Understanding the politics of Kamala Harris

Joe Biden was never going to pick Rep. Barbara Lee as his running mate. He’s not a left-progressive-democratic socialist, and never was. So Sen....

Police union opposes Black Lives Matter posters

The San Francisco Police Commission wants to put Black Lives Matter posters in every police station. Chief Bill Scott supports the idea. Officers for...