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Sunday, January 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Real Estate

With no opponent, Lee may appoint a landlord-friendly supe in D3

  By Tim Redmond DECEMBER 3, 2014 -- The lack of a strong competitor challenging Mayor Ed Lee from the left could shift the political calculus...

Could there be a Grand Bargain solution to the housing crisis?

By Tim Redmond DECEMBER 1, 2014 -- You talk about housing in this city, you get lots of response. And when you suggest something as...

Oh great. Now the housing crisis can’t be solved. And the tech folks are afraid to talk in public

By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 20, 2014 – You know the housing crisis in San Francisco has gone from insane to absurd when the City Planning...

Marcus Books returning to SF as legacy business as indie stores continue their struggle to survive

By Denise Sullivan NOVEMBER 14, 2014 -- It's been said that ghosts haunt the majestic purple Victorian on Fillmore and Post Streets. People who can...

The changing politics of the Mayor’s Office and the deeper meaning of the District Three appointment

By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 12, 2014 – There are plenty of names circulating, and lots more crazy rumors flying around, about the mayor’s likely choice...

Tom’s Town: Crazy campaign mailers and endorsement

By Tom Temprano It seems as if entire forests worth of trees have sacrificed their lives to create all of the campaign literature that has...

Landlord tells tenant organizer to move his business

By Zelda Bronstein OCTOBER 17, 2014 -- Last summer Jim Gallagher organized his fellow tenants at the San Francisco Design Center in their successful fight...

Will the “growth wars” ever end? Well, maybe not

By Zelda Bronstein OCTOBER 13, 2014 -- Every month, the law firm of Reuben, Junius & Rose hosts a lunchtime forum called the Real Estate...

Investigation: New condos aren’t owned by San Francisco residents

When condos in a triplet of luxury towers near the Embarcadero called The Brannan began selling in 2000, wealthy buyers snapped them up. Nine...

Get ready for the attack on Prop. M. Because it’s coming

  By Tim Redmond SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 – In San Francisco, important political signals often lurk in the shadows. Powerful interests don’t come out and announce...