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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Ron Conway

US Senate committee takes on economic inequality

It's a defining issue -- but the news media don't seem to be paying attention, and half the members didn't bother to show up.

Breaking the law and abusing workers plays well on Wall Street

Breaking the law repeatedly, enabling thousands of evictions, ducking your taxes, overturning state labor codes, and abusing your workers seems to be a recipe...

A progressive wave in the East Bay

Victories over big money in Oakland, Richmond, Berkeley, and Antioch shows the power of community organizing.

Big reforms could be headed for fall ballot

The Board of Supes Rules Committee will hold a special meeting Thursday/9 to consider a series of City Charter amendments for the fall ballot...

Final, final results: Progressives win three judges, DCCC

The results of the March 3 San Francisco election are finally (almost) final; the Department of Elections reports all but about 1,500 ballots have...

SF responds to climate crisis (but will anyone mention Uber?)

The California Department of Housing and Community Development wants to know what you think the most important issues in your community are. And there’s...

Tech IPOS will radically increase housing costs and inequality, report shows

The six tech IPOs that are likely to happen in the next year could drive up housing prices as much as 11 percent –...

Supes put dark money measure on November ballot

Supervisor Gordon Mar and eight of his colleagues have filed to place a measure on the November, 2019 ballot that would close some of...

Breed’s State of the City: Let’s all work together

I have a lot of issues with Mayor London Breed’s State of the City speech, and I will get to that in a moment. But...

Behind the battle for board president

When I was a young reporter at the Bay Guardian, the editor, Bruce Brugmann, told me not to bother writing stories about how “the...