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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Tagged with: SFPD

The money—and endorsements—in District Five

One of the most interesting elements of the D5 supervisorial campaign is challenger Vallie Brown’s website. Check out the tab that says “endorsements.” Most people...

Breed budget comes to the supes

The mayor’s budget proposal, delayed because of the COVID crisis, comes before the Board of Supes Budget and Appropriations Committee Wed/12, Thu/13 and Fri/14....

Breed budget prioritizes cuts to frontline workers over taxes on the rich

The mayor will be delivering her delayed budget to the supes this week, and it appears that she wants to balance it in part...

Finally, a monument to a victim of police violence

For the first time in history, San Francisco will soon have a permanent monument to a person of color killed by the police. I was...

Grassroots uprising calls for defunding police

The grassroots movement to defund the SF police has made its presence felt this week as hundreds of callers have flooded two supes committee...

Big reforms could be headed for fall ballot

The Board of Supes Rules Committee will hold a special meeting Thursday/9 to consider a series of City Charter amendments for the fall ballot...

Would Walton’s CAREN bill have saved Alex Nieto’s life?

Sup. Shamann Walton has introduced legislation that would make it illegal to call 911 based on racial profiling, and the so-called CAREN act is...

COVID is devastating the US economy—while the very rich get very richer

My poor puppy hates the fireworks. They’re loud and unpredictable. There are many theories, some of them pretty out there, as to why so...

Homeless sweeps come back to the Tenderloin

“They came by and took our tents, said we had to go and not come back or we would be arrested -- you know a...

Defunding the police: There’s big money there

As activists around the country, and here in San Francisco, talk about defunding the police, it’s worth taking a moment to look at exactly...