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Tagged with: Willie Brown

Can SF stop the “climate of corruption?”

A rally calls for outside investigators -- while campaign filings show that much of the tech and developer domination is perfectly legal SEPTEMBER 9, 2015...

The Agenda, August 24-31: tax money for a non-union hotel?

Plus the next wall on the waterfront -- and a capitalist-tool takedown of the Academy of Art University By Tim Redmond AUGUST 24, 2015 – The...

Sunshine advocates oppose “open government” measure

Plan by David Lee draws fire from people who have spent their lives trying to improve public access to public meetings.  By Tim Redmond AUGUST 19,...

The Agenda, Aug. 17-23: Is the Left moving to the Right?

Or does the Chron, once again, have the whole thing completely wrong? By Tim Redmond AUGUST 17, 2015 – Just got back from upstate New York,...

Ed Lee and the FBI corruption charges

Raymond Chow's lawyers haven't proven that the mayor is involved in anything illegal. But damn, this doesn't look good By Tim Redmond AUGUST 4, 2015 –...

The Agenda, July 6-12: A terrible killing becomes a political attack on immigrants …

... plus Uber and traffic, and a bill that would help public power by making PG&E's fossil-fuel and nuclear mix more expensive By Tim Redmond JULY...

The Agenda, June 29-July 5: Mark Farrell’s attack on tenant advocates ….

... And why some say San Francisco needs a Housing Commission to deal with the biggest issue in the city By Tim Redmond JUNE 29, 2015...

Political notebook: Peskin files first

Plus: Text messages and public records -- and why is Ed Lee headlining the City College commencement? By Tim Redmond MAY 22, 2015 – Former Sup....

SF Democrats roll over for Lee and the cops

Democratic County Central Committee endorses the mayor before we even know who else is running -- and shoots down a modest police-reform measure By Tim...

City Hall’s ethics problem

The voters are overwhelmingly sick of political sleaze -- and in the Mel Murphy era, it will be hard to duck reforms APRIL 8, 2015...