Over 60,000 people gathered at Oakland’s Oscar Grant Plaza for Women’s March to show solidarity for women’s right and protest statements made by President Donald Trump during his campaign. Photos by Sana Saleem.
OPD estimates between 60,000 to 80,000 people
Over 60,000 people gathered at Oakland’s Oscar Grant Plaza for Women’s March to show solidarity for women’s right and protest statements made by President Donald Trump during his campaign. Photos by Sana Saleem.
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revised OPD estimate is 100,000 http://patch.com/california/alameda/100-000-peaceful-demonstrators-join-oakland-womens-march. Even more impressive in some ways 10,000 in Walnut Creek, 25,000 in San Jose and even Redwood City and tiny Albany had marches–when was the last time you heard of 10,000 people demonstrating in Walnut Creek?!