My friend David Talbot – author, journalist, and political agitator – suffered a stroke in mid-November and is facing a slow recovery.

I learned about it today on Facebook.
From the post:
David’s prospects for recovery are excellent — his cognitive abilities are completely intact. (His sense of humor is as well – from his hospital bed, he has already described the stroke as a cross between a spiritual awakening and a brutal barroom beating.) But he has motor deficits that will require months of intense physical rehab before he can work again. Like most writers, his income is dependent on writing, and he won’t be able to write for a while. His wife, Camille, who is also a writer, will need to devote much of her time to his care.
So it’s good that David is going to be okay, and will be writing again and will be back helping lead the fight to save San Francisco.
But while he has been a successful writer, including books like “Season of the Witch” and “The Devil’s Chessboard” (and I recommend them both strongly), he’s not a rich man, and since neither he or his wife will be able to write for some months while he goes through physical therapy, the family has set up a GoFundMe page to help with expenses. If you want to and can afford to help out, you can go here.
I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.
My sister had a stroke a year ago. And while she has recovered considerably, she still has challengers getting around. Fortunately, she was able to retire early with a small pension; but the health care and insurance costs are eating that up. Throw in cancer for her partner (who doesn’t have Medicare yet, and is worse off than she), and its a v sad situation.
Thank goodness for family, friends & community.