Trans power is a wooden bucket of organic blueberries and your smile Trans power is your fat ass and skinny bicycle Trans power is your going to jail for Free Palestine Trans power is your not knowing about Banko Brown Trans power is never knowing about Banko Brown Trans power is your calling your sister to tell her to shut the fuck up about Banko Brown Trans power is making sure nobody is talking about Banko Brown around DA Jenkins Trans power is being chummy chummy with Mayor London Breed Trans power is promoting Sephora brand at Turk and Taylor Trans power is being chummy chummy with the cops Trans power is telling trans people to contact your executive assistant to be ghosted Trans power is posting to Instagram never about Palestine Trans power is being respectful and attending donor-sanctioned events Trans power is making sure you never lose anything again Trans power is a hot unbridled zest for success Trans power is being a tree, sharing your shade, platform and hands Trans power is responding to your LinkedIn messages Trans power is making friends with me Trans power is being happy Trans power is crying mornings and anytime the sky is all you see Trans power is cooking my dying veggies Trans power is thick black glasses and food insecurity Trans power is making cappuccino for Castro’s unhoused queers and getting fired for it Trans power is Free Palestine Trans power is screaming Free Palestine Trans power is being disinvited for that watermelon pin on your heart Trans power is staying alive until the country stops funding the genocide Trans power is my wanting for you to stay alive Trans power is suing Obama for jailing our people Trans power is suing Trump for moving our sisters to men’s quarters Trans power is fuck DNC Trans power is being banned by Lex dating app thrice for being anti-genocide Trans power is peeing on your neighbor for hummus and Topo Chico water Trans power is being ghosted by the said neighbor Trans power is seeing your neighbor here Trans power is never acknowledging the hot annoying DSA transgirl Trans power is paying your brother’s rent Trans power is spending time with me Trans power is this poetry, this morning, this evening Trans power is being hot even if your are dying Trans power is being your mother every mother’s day
Nina Ruth Mir (they/them) is a transfemme refugee from Iran living in San Francisco. Their work has appeared in the Left Berlin website, New Orleans Review and the Evergreen Review journals. They teach at SF State University and do other part-time gigs to stay housed. International Transgender Day of Visibility is Monday, March 31.