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Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Tim Redmond

Tim Redmond has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He spent much of that time as executive editor of the Bay Guardian. He is the founder of 48hills.

If the Democrats want to elect Trump, just have more debates like this one

Much of the almost-unwatchable, atrociously badly moderated debate, was about trashing Bernie Sanders, and much of what some candidates said was that he would...

Is the Monster in the Mission dead?

For years, as community leaders fought for affordable housing instead of luxury condos as 16thand Mission, the developer who owned the site said that...

Giving the supes more investigative power …

Sup. Aaron Peskin, who has had trouble in the past getting reluctant witnesses to provide information to the board, is now moving to give...

It’s easy to find housing in SF — if you’re in the 1 percent

The Chron put the story on the front page of the Sunday paper: There is no housing crisis in San Francisco. It is a good...

Chinatown building becomes battleground for community’s future

A real-estate investor with a history of attempting to evict vulnerable low-income seniors in Chinatown is now in the middle of a controversy over...

Unlimited growth doesn’t help the local economy

I went to see Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel-prize-winning economist, speak at USF last week. Lectures by economists don’t tend to fill up large rooms,...

What did Breed’s Nuru announcement really mean?

It’s taken a couple of days, but the local news media have mostly come around to the fact that the real news Friday was...

Breed took $5,600 gift from Nuru; may be illegal

Nearly every local news outlet led the latest story on former Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru with some version of this: BREAKING: Mayor Breed just...

‘Families first’ public defender enters D7 race

UPDATED: A public defender who coaches girls' basketball at a Catholic school announced today that’s he’s running for supervisor. With about 100 supporters lined up in...

The fix was in: Mayor appoints political ally to run city planning

Mayor London Breed has appointed to the crucial role of Planning Director a former commissioner whose main credentials appear to be his political loyalty...