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Friday, March 28, 2025

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Tagged with: Bernie Sanders

As the fires rage and the blackouts continue, Newsom ducks

Gov. Gavin Newsom is sounding all harsh and tough toward PG&E as Northern California burns out of control again and the blackouts continue. At a...

How the NY Times bungled coverage of the Warren/Sanders tax plans

I read The New York Times every day. I know people who have worked for the paper, and most of them are experienced professionals...

Sanders comes to SF to talk about ending student debt

Sen. Bernie Sanders held a town hall in San Francisco on Friday to discuss one of his campaign’s major promises: canceling student debt. An excited...

Once again, Biden looked terrible

  There were no defining moments in tonight’s debate – except for this: Once again, Joe Biden looked terrible. He couldn’t explain his health care plan, which...

CNN gives the GOP its talking points

The moderators at tonight’s Democratic debate pretty much wrote the Republicans’ talking points. It was stunning: Over and over, they asked Sens. Bernie Sanders...

Elizabeth Warren on war and peace

In the last few months Senator Elizabeth Warren has gained ground in public opinion polls tracking the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination....

Beyond the valley of the gig economy

Spanning the month of July, this year’s incarnation of LaborFest, the 26th annual, includes history talks and walks, union gatherings, films (including Sorry to...

The end of Joe Biden as a serious candidate for president

The second round of the Great Debate tonight -- and it's a flawed concept -- started with a kind of bogus question about socialism....

The first debate: Elizabeth Warren the consensus winner

I watched the first Democratic debate in a bar, during a 48hills Pride event, and there was noise and there were interruptions. I suspect...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...