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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: Board of Supervisors

Iconic Bayview sign comes down for vital community center: Here’s its surprising history

India Basin Industrial Park's Manwaring Letters have deep artistic roots. Now stored, their future remains uncertain.

Supervisors vote to ban smoking tobacco in apartments—but spare cannabis

Sup. Mandelman’s amendment saves SF from what for many, could have amounted to a ban on smokable marijuana.

The year in homeless policy

A few successes and a lot of failures as people on the streets stayed at risk during the pandemic.

The last time an SF cop was charged with killing a Black man

It was 1968. The trial was a sensation. The outcome was a disaster.

‘Throwing us out like garbage’

SIP hotel residents say the city's not living up to its promises -- and contracts.

Stop the ban on smoking weed!

Doesn't City Hall have better things to do then send law enforcement after people who light up in their own homes?

If SF bans smoking weed in your apartment, where could you get high?

Bill would criminalize pot smoking for a large part of the city's population.

Die-in protests mayor’s plan to shut homeless hotel rooms

But activists celebrate the right to challenge evictions.

On homelessness, no more about us, without us

People who have lived unhoused and in poverty need to be part of the official policy conversation.

Housing advocates protest mayor’s plan to close hotels

'Closures of the SIP hotels will put thousands of people at risk of returning to the streets and hundreds of essential workers being laid off.'