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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Breed

Last-minute election intelligence: Farrell faces huge ethics fine, Breed backers like Peskin

It could be a really tight race for mayor, with some ranked-choice voting surprises

What to look for on Election Night

The early votes are coming from more conservative districts—and we likely won't know who won some key races until later in the week.

Safeway, regulations, and the tech lords

Supes pass Preston bill to require notice when supermarkets close—and there's a lot more to the story.

The real story behind Prop. D

It's not about bureaucracy. It's about democracy.

The phenomenal triumph of Lava Thomas

Her Maya Angelou monument weathered very public storms, now it reflects the great author's 'peace amidst adversity.'

The problem with publishers who have no roots in the journalism world …

.... plus some unusual changes to BMR condos, preventing food deserts, and a hearing on school closures. That's The Agenda for Oct. 27 to Nov. 3

Progressive unity rally seeks to get out the vote

Large turnout as candidates push the narrative that a handful of billionaires are trying to take over the city.

In ‘Breed or Bust,’ Joyful Raven puts a face on vital reproduction issues—hers

Moving and hilarious solo show at the Marsh SF tackles relationships, abortion, birth control with poignant urgency.

Fact Check: The attacks on Jackie Fielder in D9

We try to put the the mailers and ads in some actual political context.

Watch: Catching up on the mayor’s race and allegations of political corruption  

Tune in to the the first two parts of our special video primer on allegations and accusations in this year's elections.