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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Central Soma

6,000 more office workers with no housing, the failure of planning in the Eastern Neighborhoods …

Mayor London Breed is pushing legislation that would amend the city’s historic office-space limitation law to allow an additional 1.5 million square feet of...

Supes want to crack down on massage businesses

The Board of Supes Land Use Committee approved stricter rules for massage establishments despite opposition from both therapeutic massage businesses and sex-worker advocates who...

Two big (and environmentally awful) projects — and a step toward saving the Mission

The India Basin environmental impact report, which was more-or-less rejected by the supes two weeks ago when the local air board said the construction...

The utter absurdity of the Central Soma Plan EIR

The SF Board of Supervisors approved the EIR for the Central Soma Plan Tuesday, despite hours of testimony from Soma residents and activists who...

The Climate Change Agenda for the week

More than 30,000 people marched for climate justice in San Francisco Saturday – and that was just the start of a series of events...

Central Soma Plan shows the problem with large-scale EIRs

The Central Soma Plan, more than ten years in the making, got a mixed reception at the Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting today,...

Too many jobs, too little housing in Soma

The Central Soma Plan – which will open South of Market to the equivalent of a new downtown, with office space for at least...

OPINION: We need housing, not more offices, in Soma

Ever since 1980, Todco and our community action arm, the Yerba Buena Neighborhood Consortium, have pressed for more housing instead of office buildings in...

Can SF get ahead of new technology? Maybe …

San Francisco is not good at figuring out how to handle new technology. When Uber and Lyft began breaking the law and operating taxis...

The Agenda, Jan 23-30: Trump and the media, SROs and Central SoMa

You have to give the New York Times credit: The front-page headline Sunday/21 reads “Slamming media, Trump advances two falsehoods.” The story makes clear...