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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: City Planning

Demolitions, speculation—and maybe not that much new housing anyway

Remarkable honesty at a supes hearing shows the actual impact of ending single-family zoning in San Francisco.

Does the end of single-family zoning mean the beginning of demolitions?

A measure that would profoundly change neighborhood zoning in SF could lead to a lot of existing housing getting torn down. That's The Agenda for March 7-13

The jobs-housing mix in SF is a mess

Plus: The reality of a new Climate Action Plan and a much-needed investigative hearing on conflicts of interest. That's The Agenda for Dec. 13-19

In dramatic move, supes block huge luxury housing project in Soma

Debate shows city planners' utter failure to understand the role of market-rate housing in gentrification and displacement.

In a direct assault on planning policy, supes reject Tenderloin tech dorms

Board makes clear, for perhaps the first time ever, that developer profits should not be a deciding factor in city housing policy.

Some warned 20 years ago that the US was creating a disaster in Afghanistan

Plus: SF just lost two notable activists, James Hormel and Alvin Duskin. That's The Agenda for August 15-22

Budget time is a time to ask department heads some detailed questions

Plus: What is the city doing to be sure tenants get rent relief? That's The Agenda for June 20-27

Supes challenge planners over construction on toxic sites

Resolution points to Planning Department's record of allowing new luxury housing despite hazards. Plus: Why City College matters. That's The Agenda for May 3-9

We can reimagine the post-COVID San Francisco

The future should be up to us -- not the corporate overlords who have controlled city planning for decades.

Planning Commission to hear a bad UCSF deal

Massive new development that violates historic agreements is drawing widespread opposition.