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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Dean Preston

What to look for on Election Night

The early votes are coming from more conservative districts—and we likely won't know who won some key races until later in the week.

Safeway, regulations, and the tech lords

Supes pass Preston bill to require notice when supermarkets close—and there's a lot more to the story.

The problem with publishers who have no roots in the journalism world …

.... plus some unusual changes to BMR condos, preventing food deserts, and a hearing on school closures. That's The Agenda for Oct. 27 to Nov. 3

Progressive unity rally seeks to get out the vote

Large turnout as candidates push the narrative that a handful of billionaires are trying to take over the city.

As big-money ads drop, progressives work on GOTV efforts …

... plus a test case for Breed's neighborhood upzoning efforts. That's The Agenda for Oct. 20-27

Live Shots: 11th Annual 48 Hills Gala was splendid—we need you to reach our goal!

Honoring "Women of Resistance" in the gorgeous War Memorial Green Room, with vinyl records, cool cocktails, and luscious bundt cakes.

The school closure process is a disaster that never needed to happen

Close Harvey Milk and Yick Wo? After a bungled secretive process that has no credibility? Where are the School Board candidates?

Supes approve rent control bill after Safai tries a delay tactic

Building trades unions try to derail measure, but fall short. What will Breed do?

Supes denounce city attorney for turning sewage into partisan politics

Melgar, Peskin say Chiu has stepped into electoral fray, supporting a narrative used to attack candidates for environmental stands.

Huge affordable housing project happened because of Preston and Ting

Breed and Newsom of course want to take credit. The backstory is a little different.