Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tagged with: Education

The year that local zoning control comes under attack

2017 is already shaping up as a year in which local control of development will come under unprecedented assault in California and in the...

The Agenda, Jan. 9-16: Party with 48hills, a new Board of Supes …

We open this Agenda with an invite and a plea: On Thursday/19, 48hills will celebrate, so to speak, the new year and offer a...

The Agenda, 2017: How SF can really fight Trumpism

Everyone at City Hall agrees that San Francisco should be the Anti-Trump City. We are mostly Democrats in this city, and other than the...

Free City College passes 9-1 — will Mayor Ed Lee defy the board and the voters?

The Board of Supes, by a 9-1 majority, directly challenged Mayor Ed Lee today and appropriated funding to make City College free for all...

Homelessness and colonial media

"The Homeless caused the fires, they are always leaving trash and causing a mess everywhere they go," read the headline scrolling across the...

City College chancellor shuts down meeting to stop protest

The acting chancellor of City College shut down a meeting and walked out today rather than listen to complaints from students and the faculty...

The SF election: What happened?

 The 2016 election may well be a turning point in our national and local politics. The problem is that it’s unclear what direction the...

How we beat the real estate industry

As we assess the implications of last week’s elections, it is worth considering two clear wins for progressives and for the tenant movement in...

Afraid — and fighting

Like so many Americans, I woke up on November 9th excited to hear that for the first time in the history of our nation,...

‘I woke up in horror and disbelief’

MEXICO CITY -- Mexico is arguably the foreign country that has suffered the most from Trump’s callous racism throughout his campaign. In the wake of...