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Friday, December 27, 2024

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Tagged with: Evictions

Ode to Uptown: RIP, feisty bar for punks and lefties

The legendary almost-40-year-old bar went out with tipsy adieus, sidewalk fiddlers, and a reminder of ongoing Mission gentrification.

Planning Commission agrees to end public input on many housing developments

Narrow 4-3 votes ends the ability of community activists to call out unscrupulous landlords and speculators.

The housing crisis Scott Wiener created

Demolitions. Displacement. And zero new affordable housing. That's the bill the state senator got passed, and the supes have to deal with it this week.

New laws seek to end private developer risk, burdening public instead

Why should cities and counties guarantee profits for builders and push the costs of growth onto the local taxpayers?

Fake, misleading news and images on Twitter—and here at home

No, Dean Preston did not resign. Plus: The eviction "scarlet letter," Uber's role in SF taxis, and the mayor's dangerous housing policy is back again. That's The Agenda for Oct. 15-22

Mayor’s housing bill still needs lots of work, community leaders and supes say

Sweeping proposal defies Housing Element language, threatens tenants—and does nothing for affordable housing, committee members point out.

The local record and legacy of Dianne Feinstein

Let's celebrate her accomplishments. But there's another story that needs to be told. I was there.

Tenants, community rally against Breed’s developer-friendly housing bill

Evictions, demolition, displacement—and no affordable housing. That's The Agenda for Sept. 17-24

A new, stealthy Amazon delivery center on the edge of the Bayview?

More trucks in an area with serious air-quality issues. Plus: Evictions in supportive housing. That's The Agenda for Sept. 3-10

Lies, damn lies, and the new ‘report’ on San Francisco government

Ignore the realities of SF politics. Ignore a wide-ranging corruption scandal. Just go after district elections. That's what the Rose Institute, funded by Michael Moritz, is doing.