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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Genocide

Solidarity after the massacre of Jews in Pittsburgh

Rabbi Michael Lerner, who leads the Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-Without-Walls in Berkeley and is the editor of Tikkun magazine, sent this out to his community in the...

Screen Grabs: Suspiria, Boy Erased, The Wild Pussycat …

SCREEN GRABS It being Halloweek, it would be just plain wrong not to lead off with a horror film, and as it happens Friday...

Screen Grabs: Mill Valley, SF Dance, Drunken Film Fests ….

SCREEN GRABS It’s a starry as well as busy week in Bay Area filmgoing, with major openings including the new Bradley Cooper/Lady Gaga A Star...

Brown, Bloomberg (and their agenda) face protests at Climate Action Summit

As Governor Jerry Brown and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened the Global Climate Action Summit Thursday, they were greeted by hundreds...

The complex politics of Myanmar …

I sneaked into Myanmar on a tourist visa because the military junta running the country made it almost impossible to travel as a journalist....

Always, forced to move

The rubber sides of the boat were like arms – thick, round, hard. “These are the boats refugees have to travel through, men...

OPINION: Let’s abolish Columbus Day

It’s a simple proposal: Abolish Columbus Day and find another way to honor Italian contributions to this country. That’s what more than 50 Italian academics,...

Star time

SCREEN GRABS There’s never been an un-interesting moment for the SF Jewish Film Festival (July 20 to August 6) to be going on, in...

The spirit of Standing Rock

Each step a prayer, through snow so deep your body can’t think. Sharp blue sky filled with whispers from ancestors, a river so sacred...

59 shots: Closing arguments in the Nieto case

“We are here today because of 59 shots,” Nieto family attorney Adante Pointer said, as he began his closing argument in the Nieto trial....