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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Tagged with: GOP

The stunning selfishness of Trump’s return

Masks aren't just to protect you; they are to protect others. The president and his GOP supporters don't care.

Screen Grabs: Early glimmers of a legendary firecracker

Carole Lombard's pre-screwball movies get a deluxe release. Plus: Nightstream and Blumhouse horrors, The Campaign of Miner Bo, more

‘How many times does this guy have to show us who he is?’

Trump refuses to denounce white supremacists in the worst presidential debate ever.

Breed budget prioritizes cuts to frontline workers over taxes on the rich

The mayor will be delivering her delayed budget to the supes this week, and it appears that she wants to balance it in part...

Sorting out the California presidential primary

The March 3 primary in California matters; it could be a big day for the Democratic presidential candidates. But there are a lot of...

Bingeing on dystopia: The politico-cultural decade in review

Gore Vidal once remarked that the three saddest words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates,” but from the vantage point of late...

Screen Grabs: Three of the year’s best dramas and more

Many new films of interest opening this Friday—so many, in fact, that we had to write separately about the week’s revival highlights (see here)...

CNN gives the GOP its talking points

The moderators at tonight’s Democratic debate pretty much wrote the Republicans’ talking points. It was stunning: Over and over, they asked Sens. Bernie Sanders...

Should the Dems impeach Trump — next summer?

I’m amazed by the crummy tactical thinking of progressive pundits about the impeachment of Trump. Their commentary and reporting these days on cable news...

The tensions are going to emerge at the Dem Con this weekend

The Democratic Convention officially starts this afternoon, and the talk amoung progressive delegates is all about the nasty attacks on Kimberly Ellis, who is...