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Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Tagged with: Health

Will Breed support reparations?

Plus: Saving Laguna Honda and a glimpse at the possible future or the Castro Theater. That's The Agenda for April 9-16

Health, agriculture, and education in Cuba

The tiny island country makes amazing progress despite the US blockade

This land is whose land?

The developer and the city insist the Hunters Point Shipyard is safe for development. There's a lot of data that says otherwise. Part III of a series.

The Hunters Point Shipyard: Art survives amid toxic waste

Part II: As artists move into the former base, the level of contamination reaches the point where 'if it can't be cleaned, stay the hell out.'

The tragic toxic legacy of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Aided by a USC fellowship, reporter Tom Molanphy and 48hills dug into the overwhelming history of data concerning the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, which...

Weaving fabric, film, and light, Holly Wong celebrates womens’ energy

The SF artist manipulates materials like cellophane and silk to tell personal stories on a universal level

Legal settlements for police abuse have cost SF more than $20 million since 2019

Plus: Ronen takes on the feds over Laguna Honda, Jenkins drops charges against cop, and planners finally want to close the book on a scandal. That's The Agenda for Feb. 12-19.

Finally, public discussion on reparations begins this week at the Board of Supes

Plus: Should remote comment be abolished? And what about planning for flooding? That's The Agenda for Feb. 5-12

New board committees show little dramatic change—and some potential

Conservatives take over one panel, but progressives still control budget and land use—and a new committee on homelessness could take on a big role.

Supes to consider housing farce—and start on the mayor’s budget

Everybody knows the Housing Element won't work, but it's going to be approved anyway. Maybe at least someone will ask some questions.