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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Housing

A hearing on Mayor’s Office corruption…

... Plus the cost of structural racism at SFPD—and a strange tale of how expensive it is to resell affordable housing. That's The Agenda for Oct. 14-21

Some (perhaps too optimistic) October Surprises

Trump offers his office space to the unhoused; Harris offers jobs to asylum seekers. We can still dream ....

UC’s unfair pay scales undermine crucial mental health treatment

A two-tiered system for clinical social workers leads to overwork, burnout, and worse outcomes for patients.

Farrell, Lurie oppose expansion of rent control

Breed on the fence in new Chron survey tool. How will this impact the election?

Generations came together in the Bayview to save the planet

Innovative Igniting Youth Action for Climate and Environmental Justice Conference demonstrated the power of community knowledge.

Supes approve rent control bill after Safai tries a delay tactic

Building trades unions try to derail measure, but fall short. What will Breed do?

Sewage, billionaires, and rent control

Right-wing group seeks to hurt progressive supes with anti-environmental mailers—and bill to expand rent control goes to full board. That's The Agenda for Oct. 7-14

Huge affordable housing project happened because of Preston and Ting

Breed and Newsom of course want to take credit. The backstory is a little different.

Mayor’s race gets ugly … and weird

The mayor's race is becoming a sprint to the finish, with ballots getting mailed out to voters this week—and it's getting predictable nasty ......

Rent control bill advances, with Melgar in opposition

Peskin measure would add protections to tens of thousands of units (if the state allows). Can Breed veto it?