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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Local Government

The press whips up toxic anti-immigrant madness

Even in SF, reporters are leaping on the bandwagon, blaming a very reasonable city policy for a tragic murder By Tim Redmond JULY 7, 2015 –...

SF gives $50 million to Oracle — for what?

Two supes question long-term software contract that may be obsolete a year or two after it starts By Tim Redmond JUNE 17, 2015 -- When proposed...

SF’s housing crisis, the talk of Miami

Planners and academics from all over the world are looking at SF and saying:WTF? By Tim Redmond APRIL 10, 2015 -- I am in Miami, at...

City Hall’s ethics problem

The voters are overwhelmingly sick of political sleaze -- and in the Mel Murphy era, it will be hard to duck reforms APRIL 8, 2015...

A new pro-growth group takes on the politics of housing

SFBARF is getting a lot of press for a theory -- build and build and build and housing prices will come down -- that...

Investigation: San Francisco’s big-money campaign loophole

You can raise unlimited money to run for DCCC then use that for another campaign -- say, for supervisor By Tim Redmond FEBRUARY 4, 2015 --...

Kilroy exec named in Flower Mart ethics complaint

CORRECTION: An early version of this story incorrectly stated that the Flower Mart is in the Soma Redevelopment Area. UPDATE 2: The Ethics Commission has...

‘But they didn’t know we were seeds:’ Dia de los Muertos in a post-Ayotzinapa Mexico

    By Caitlin Donohue MEXICO CITY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 -- Ricardo Escobar Lazamar, a student at Mexico City’s Universidad Autónoma de México, put down the protest...

When the developers blink

By Tim Redmond SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 -- The final terms of the deal still aren’t out yet, so we can’t be sure. It was hashed...

Willie Brown denounces SF government, SF electorate, democratic process at Chamber of Commerce event

By Zelda Bronstein SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 -- Yesterday morning the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce hosted Wells Fargo’s ForecastSF 2014, described in the program as...