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Friday, July 26, 2024

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Tagged with: Phil Ting

Pictures from Pride

Festive, fun, sunny ... and not terribly political.

Pending state bill would allow developers to make more big local land-use decisions

Under the radar, a Wicks-Bonta housing bill changes the standards for projects in a way that undermines any professional planning standards.

A truly bizarre debate on rent control at the Board of Supes

Stefani, Dorsey argue that protecting tenants is somehow a Nimby plot to block new housing.

Why does the state never ‘warn’ SF that it’s not building enough affordable housing?

That's the real question that came up at a supes meeting this week.

SF’s state legislators have deeply damaged SF’s ability to prevent displacement

Wiener, Ting, and Haney bills undermine 'all that is sacred' in San Francisco. Do they know what the fuck they are doing?

The housing crisis Scott Wiener created

Demolitions. Displacement. And zero new affordable housing. That's the bill the state senator got passed, and the supes have to deal with it this week.

Housing bill that makes no sense at all moves forward with reluctant committee vote

Trickle-down economics from the Reagan Era rules as the state forces San Francisco to give luxury developers what they want (and ignores affordable housing).

New laws seek to end private developer risk, burdening public instead

Why should cities and counties guarantee profits for builders and push the costs of growth onto the local taxpayers?

Public power for all of Northern California? After fires, the framework is in place

Report to LAFCO cites a little-known state agency that has the authority to seize PG&E's assets and let every community decide its energy future.

Preston campaign kickoff draws large and diverse crowd

District 5 is one of the critical seats progressives will try to win in 2024