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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Photography

‘Look Me in the Eyes’ confronts the phantasmagoria of Kurdish history

At ICA SF, Hayv Kahraman employs haunting metaphors, conveying a surreal mythology of female figures.

Rosebud art gallery blossoms, helping re-queer the TL and Polk Gulch

'Every time the press declares a 'doom loop,' it falls on queers and artists to think outside the box,' say co-founders.

Tabitha Soren, beloved former MTV News reporter, on life as a Bay Area photographer

Motherhood has changed things for the award-winning journalist, who is now taking things a frame at a time.

Screen Grabs: Has democracy peaked? Ask the monk with the gun

Elections bring trouble in Bhutan. Plus: Franz Rogowski meets French imperialism in 'Disco Boy,' pretty but plodding 'Peasants'

Shot from a car window, the Golden Gate Bridge spans multiple timelines in ‘No Delays’

Nico Van Dongen's striking composite photographs capture the Bay sentinel's fourth-dimensional existence.

Screen Grabs: Two great social justice filmmakers return to the screen

Skip Norman's revolutionary '60s-'70s films and Glauber Rocha's daring 'Black God, White Devil' play BAMPFA.

In a globalized art world, why does SF need its own fairs? The answer lies in FOG

Smaller galleries like Jonathan Carver Moore, Schlomer Haus, CULT Aimee Friberg welcomed far-flung visitors to local excellence

For a.k.a. skips, raving under an SF overpass launched a quest for authentic self

The electronic musician talks about his transition, a new musical persona, and raw, unfiltered album 'Jawfiller.'

Screen Grabs: AfroComicCon Film Fest zaps Black futures onto Oakland big screen

Plus: 'A Revolution on Canvas' takes intimate look at Iranian artists' resistance and 'Bodyshop' gets ghostly, graphic, gay.

Tintype photographer Jenny Sampson captures women on wheels, roundness of meals

Collage, her work in professional kitchens, skate culture inspire Sampson's images.