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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Police Accountability

Major police reform item at supes committee Thursday

Should the city give raises to the POA without any new accountability?

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

Monster in the Mission is now 100 percent affordable housing

A lesson in community organizing. Plus: Half the cops who broke the rules get no discipline -- and some new rules to prevent city ethics scandals. That's The Agenda for Sept. 7-14

From the RNC to Kenosha: racism and death

Two days after a pair of gun-toting white vigilantes got a prime-time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, a gun-toting white vigilante shot...

Understanding the politics of Kamala Harris

Joe Biden was never going to pick Rep. Barbara Lee as his running mate. He’s not a left-progressive-democratic socialist, and never was. So Sen....

Defunding the police: There’s big money there

As activists around the country, and here in San Francisco, talk about defunding the police, it’s worth taking a moment to look at exactly...

Big money from the cops is becoming politically toxic

One of the positive results of the past week of in-the-streets outrage is the increased focus on politicians who take money from law-enforcement organizations...

Supes panel rejects Breed’s Police Commission picks

With the ongoing outrage over police shootings as a backdrop, the Board of Supes Rules Committee today rejected two candidates Mayor London Breed had...

Before the looting, a peaceful march

On Saturday, before the incidents of looting that have made the biggest headlines, several hundred protestors peacefully marched in San Francisco to protest the...

The Chron’s bizarre (but predictable) attack on Chesa Boudin

To read the San Francisco Chronicle headlines, a rather routine decision by the new district attorney to bring his own staff to leadership positions...