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Tagged with: Progressives

Jane Kim enters state Senate race

Kim's challenge to Scott Wiener kicks off a big battle for 2016 By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 14, 2015 – Sup. Jane Kim will announce today that...

Has Mayor Lee been good for tenants?

Shouldn't he take some responsibility for the impacts of the boom he is so proud of? By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 13, 2015 -- There’s plenty to...

New SF political group launches with fall election focus

VisionSF seeks to bring volunteers out for the key housing measure on the November ballot By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 3, 2015 – A new political group...

A major tenant victory at City Hall

Supes approve anti-eviction package. This is why it's good to have incumbents face a challenge By Tim Redmond SEPTEMBER 23, 2105 – San Francisco tenants won...

The Agenda, August 24-31: tax money for a non-union hotel?

Plus the next wall on the waterfront -- and a capitalist-tool takedown of the Academy of Art University By Tim Redmond AUGUST 24, 2015 – The...

A leading voice on urban planning in CA debunks housing trickle-down

The progressives are not the only ones saying that building more market-rate housing won't solve the city's problem  By Peter Cohen AUGUST 19, 2015 -- A...

The Agenda, Aug. 17-23: Is the Left moving to the Right?

Or does the Chron, once again, have the whole thing completely wrong? By Tim Redmond AUGUST 17, 2015 – Just got back from upstate New York,...

The Democratic County Conway Committee

Panel sides with tech-money oligarchs across the board By Tim Redmond AUGUST 13, 2015 -- It’s tempting to just say the San Francisco Democratic Party has...

The Agenda, July 27-Aug. 2: Did progressives cause the housing crisis (um, No)….

... Plus new tenant protections, expanding Medicare, and preserving art space in San Francisco By Tim Redmond JULY 26, 2015 – If you must read Gabriel...

The Agenda, July 20-26: Micro-units and affordable housing …

... and should a parking garage become highrise luxury condos on the waterfront? We review the issues coming up this week By Tim Redmond JULY 20,...