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Saturday, May 11, 2024

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Tagged with: Progressives

Don’t blame progressives for problems like homelessness, drugs, and crime

Neoliberal mayors and their failed market-based policies have created the crisis that the left is now trying to solve.

Opinion: The Great Highway shutdown fiasco

It's worse for the environment. It's infuriated residents. The city needs to rethink the highway closure—now, when a compromise is possible.

Labor, organizing, money, and an East Bay Assembly race

The political world is full of surprises. Who will wind up winning the seat formerly occupied by Attorney General Rob Bonta?

Supes panel appoints three community-based progressives to redistricting panel

Move will counter the Elections Commission's appointments, all of whom are allies of the mayor, in what could be a major gerrymandering fight.

The future of the Board of Supes is on the line as redistricting moves forward

A city task force will draw new district lines for the next decade. The mayor's allies already have members. The supes pick three this week.

The big GOP, real-estate, and tech money behind the Boudin recall effort

Many of the same individuals and corporations who tried to defeat the progressives last year -- including Trump allies -- are now trying to oust the elected DA

LGBTQ progressives heading for key roles in Democratic Party

David Campos and Honey Mahogany set to take leading positions in SF and state party at a critical time for local politics.

Facebook’s housing echo chamber

Zuckerberg money funds news outlets that repeat Zuckerberg group's supply-side position on the housing crisis.

Community leaders line up to oppose attacks on DA Chesa Boudin

Records show the recall effort is backed by Big Tech, Finance, and Real-Estate (and someone who says 'VC Lives Matter.')

Oversight — of Recology, the Ferris Wheel deal ….

... and commercial landlords. Plus the Chron's neo-liberal editorial page editor retires. That's The Agenda for March 15-22.