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Sunday, March 23, 2025

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Tagged with: Realtors

The money trail: How big landlords are trying to undermine the state rent control initiative

It's not enough to seek to defeat the Costa-Hawkins repeal; Big Real Estate wants to stop the measure's sponsor from ever doing this again.

Save Free City College

A community lifeline approved by the voters is threatened by the mayor's budget proposal.

Big Real Estate wants to prevent effective rent control—and is pushing SF supes

Showdown looms next week on state ballot measure that would let local government regulate rents on new housing, vacant apartments.

Does SF need 24/7 robot taxis (that don’t pay any fee to be taxis)?

Plus: A move to limit ballot information, and a cut to affordable housing requirements for developers. That's The Agenda for July 9-16

What to watch for in the Assembly election

When to get results, how to read the early numbers—and what it all means.

It’s Election Day Tuesday. The supes districts lines are still not finished.

Plus: Are the cops doing their job, and do they really need more money? That's The Agenda for April 18-24

Haney attacks Campos for supporting a measure that Haney also supported

Mailers complain that Campos wanted a pause on the luxury housing causing displacement in the Mission. So did Haney.

The hits keep coming: Haney backers go after Campos, Mahmood

Big money pays as (utterly false) dirt flies in the Feb. 15 election—but is it too late to make a difference?

What the big money behind the School Board recall means

The very rich who are pouring more than $1 million into getting rids of three board members have an agenda that goes far beyond the San Francisco schools.

Majority of Boudin recall money comes from one big corporate PAC

Records show very limited grassroots support; it's just one big-money group organized to attack progressive causes and candidates.