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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: SB 35

Judge tosses Yimby suit, dismisses claims about Preston’s housing record

Berkeley professor, expert Yimby witness, compares foes of neoliberal free-market ideology to 'cranks' and 'climate deniers.'

Pending state bill would allow developers to make more big local land-use decisions

Under the radar, a Wicks-Bonta housing bill changes the standards for projects in a way that undermines any professional planning standards.

Why the Wiener housing bills will never work—and could destroy the coast. A detailed primer

An economist explains the reality of the housing market, economic inequality, developer profits, and threats to the environment.

Planning Commission agrees to end public input on many housing developments

Narrow 4-3 votes ends the ability of community activists to call out unscrupulous landlords and speculators.

New laws seek to end private developer risk, burdening public instead

Why should cities and counties guarantee profits for builders and push the costs of growth onto the local taxpayers?

Lots of housing laws. Not much housing

Hearing, data show how the state's 'streamlining' supply-side approach is failing.

Wiener bill would kick elected officials out of critical land-use and housing decisions

If cities don't meet the state's impossible housing goals, unelected bureaucrats could be approving development projects with no oversight.

The Catch-22 at the heart of the Yimby doctrine shows up in Berkeley

Blame cities for the market-driven crisis, then enshrine the market imperative in law.

Wiener supports giant project pushed through with no neighborhood input

At town hall, senators says that Yimbys 'are the best thing that's happened' and said he supports a massive Potrero Hill project that avoids Planning Commission approval.

SPUR, Yimbys say stealth state laws can force more housing

But what happens if developers don't want to build anything but luxury condos -- and maybe not even those?