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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

How do we think about 2020?

And have we learned any lessons that will make for a better 2021?

Zoning and housing costs: The debate continues

UCLA professors respond to our piece on housing costs -- and why this discussion matters.

State auditor attacks local land-use authority

Study of housing agency finances veers into politically disputed territory.

The big GOP and real-estate money moves into District One

Fake tenants group and big outside cash is now trying to promote Philhour over Chan in a race that could determine the balance of power on the board.

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

Finally, a state Senate debate

Plus: The municipal corruption scandal and the state of the city's economy. That's The Agenda for Sept. 28-Oct. 4

A displacement housing bill barely dies — but it will come back

Measure to turn any single-family lot into four units -- with zero affordable housing -- is the top of the Scott Wiener/Yimby agenda.

Now it’s the mayor attacking the supes

Breed tells business group that the progressive majority is against housing -- but the evidence shows otherwise.

Wiener attacks SF supes

State Senator says board is not functional and harks back to his own days as a supe -- which were only "collegial" when it meant helping Big Tech

The New York Times fails on equitable cities

The New York Times has been hyping its America We Need series of stories, editorials, and events on future public policy, and the latest...