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Friday, July 26, 2024

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Tagged with: State Assembly

Big Real Estate wants to prevent effective rent control—and is pushing SF supes

Showdown looms next week on state ballot measure that would let local government regulate rents on new housing, vacant apartments.

A truly bizarre debate on rent control at the Board of Supes

Stefani, Dorsey argue that protecting tenants is somehow a Nimby plot to block new housing.

Indie booksellers in trouble? BincTank to the rescue

A program that grew out of Borders now helps BIPOC-owned bookstores stay open and thrive through its grants.

Opinion: The local Sierra Club is no longer an environmental leader

A takeover by conservatives has undermined the progressive authority of the group's local endorsements

The ceasefire resolution comes up this week

Plus: A weird landlord bill—and why is Tom Ammiano written out of the history of the bridge suicide barrier? That's The Agenda for Jan. 7 to 14

The billionaire plutocrats set their sights on controlling SF’s Democratic Party

Big money from tech barons comes into the local DCCC race—and to support the mayor's pro-police agenda.

We all want local government to work—but for whom?

The Chron seems to think the plutocrats are the ones who ought to be in charge. That's never ended well.

Big, big millionaire money is almost entirely funding the Boudin recall

New filings also show where the influence lies in the state Assembly campaigns.

Campos takes first step toward state Assembly bid

If Chiu becomes city attorney, his seat will be open for a special election.

Two major developer-driven housing bills head for Assembly floor

Newsom may soon be asked to sign deregulation measures—at a time when Wall Street is moving fast into the CA housing market.