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Friday, February 21, 2025

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Tagged with: State Assembly

Wiener housing bill passes, trusting the market to solve the crisis

The biggest policy issue in Sacramento this spring, aside from health care, was almost certainly housing, and with good reason: San Francisco is not...

The big media lie about single-payer health care

The headlines were so consistent, so predictably bad, that I almost couldn’t read them. “Single-payer will cost $400 billion.” “Single-payer costs dwarf entire state...

Assembly passes bill to limit land-use ballot initiatives

A bill that would make it harder for local residents to pass ballot measures limiting development has passed the state Assembly with almost no...

The only two ways out of the eviction crisis

We are all talking this week about the eviction of seniors, about how San Francisco has become such a hostile place for long-time residents....

The Agenda: LGBT history, high insurance rates, the leaning tower of Soma …

Phil Burton, the legendary politician who created the Golden Gate National Recreation Era and helped define the modern US Congress, lost his first race...

The Agenda, Jan. 9-16: Party with 48hills, a new Board of Supes …

We open this Agenda with an invite and a plea: On Thursday/19, 48hills will celebrate, so to speak, the new year and offer a...

The Agenda, Jan 2-9, 2018: Reforming the Democratic Party, organizing against Trump …

Let me guess: You probably don’t know who represents you in the California Democratic Party. I’m not talking about our state Assembly or Senate...

The Media Homeless Project: Is it working?

Back in June, at the instigation of Chronicle Editor Audrey Cooper, more than 70 media organizations put out hundreds of stories on the homeless...

Does California need to secede?

There was enough talk on Twitter this morning about California seceding from the United States to merit a story on CBS News. I don’t...

Scott Wiener’s deceitful Guardian mailing

The campaign of Sup. Scott Wiener is taking the concept of misleading information to a new, and astonishing level: He’s putting out a reproduction...