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Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Tagged with: Tax Cuts

The Chron gives up on homelessness

You have to go pretty deep into the Chron’s annual series on homelessness to find anything very useful, but I read it all, and...

Large majority of voters support tax on millionaires

Some 70 percent of California voters would support a higher tax on income above $1 million, a new poll shows. The survey, by the highly...

Screen Grabs: Great new docs, from global inequality to SF thrash metal

Though the impulse for many during times of stress is to escape into fictional entertainment—or something “stranger than fiction,” like Tiger King—nonfiction can prove...

Who’s to ‘blame’ for our failures to respond to this crisis?

Politico recently put out an email blast asking “who’s to blame” for the COVID pandemic: The Olympics Games are postponed, but the Coronavirus Blame Games are...

A chance at civic leadership, stalemated

  Upon her election as the "moderate" candidate in a very close race against two "progressive" competitors this June, Mayor Breed told San Francisco: "I’m going...

Prop. C: The battle for the soul of San Francisco

The New American Oligarchy of Wealth and Privilege that seized control of the United States two years ago with the election of President Donald...

No job loss from Prop. C — but plenty of benefits

Proposition C would have a huge impact on homelessness in San Francisco and cost the city so few jobs that there’s no credible impact...

The very odd Breed Administration memo on homeless policy

The Chron, which lost any hope of claiming objectivity during the mayor’s race, is now clearly on the side of the Chamber of Commerce...

Measure to tax big, rich corporations to fund housing for the homeless heads for November ballot

Sponsors of a measure that would raise hundreds of millions of dollars to build supportive housing, increase the city’s shelter capacity, and fund efforts...

SF needs a mayor who will tax, spend, and regulate

Consider a short list of the realities facing our next mayor: The social/economic/cultural transformation of the city through unchecked hyper-gentrification caused by a development policy...