Support your favorite local independent news + culture source, and get 1 month of advertising on our site and daily newsletter for FREE! Place an order for at least 1 month of full-package advertising by December 31 to claim your free month. Ads will run in 2025. It’s a $3,700 deal!
Reach tens of thousands of our readers directly by advertising with 48 Hills. Our audience loves to support local arts and businesses, because they are the soul of the Bay Area. Contact for more info or to place your order now!
This special package deal includes:
Daily Newsletter Placement
Reaches our 26,000 subscribers (Value: $1,000/month)
Website Banner/Leaderboard Ad
High-impact banner on 48 Hills (Value: $1,000/month)
Website Skyscraper Ad
Prominent skyscraper placement for maximum visibility (Value: $1,000/month)
One Dedicated Newsletter
A full newsletter dedicated solely to your brand (Value: $700)
Social Media Promotion
Weekly posts/stories reaching our 50,000-100,000 followers (Free bonus!)
Total Value & Savings: Regular price: $3,700 per month
Your deal: Two-month package for $3,700 total—a 50% savings of $3,700!
You can run your ads any time during 2025, and even break up your campaign into two-week multiple campaigns!
To place your ad order or for more information, please contact 48 Hills Publisher Imelda Carrasco at Hurry before this deal expires December 31!