Good Taste is a menu for eating well in the Bay Area. Today, we wanted to bring attention to the matching donation agreements that many Northern California food banks have, in order to broaden an understanding of impact and to encourage giving wherever possible.
Here’s a reminder that food banks are always in need of monetary donations, and that matching donations really help to maximize the impact of any sum. Matching donations can come from a corporation, foundation, or philanthropist, and involve an agreement with a food bank to donate the same or greater amount that private individuals contribute.

Though the organizations highlighted here have matching donations, they could still all use much more help. That’s especially in the areas that are likely to be food deserts, with few options for fresh produce within reasonable distance. The following figures regarding how far your donated dollars go (TLDR: far!) are current for these 10 Northern California food banks:
Alameda County Community Food Bank $1 donated = $7 in distributed food
Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano County $1 donated = 2 meals
Fresno County Community Food Bank $1 donated = 4 meals
Food Bank for Monterey County $1 = $5 worth of food
Placer Food Bank $1 = 6 Meals
Redwood Empire Food Bank $1 = $3 Worth of Food
Sacramento Food Bank $1 = $5.47 in Groceries

San Francisco-Marin Food Bank $1 = 4 Meals (Gilead Foundation also matches monthly donations to SF-Marin up to $75,000.)
Second Harvest of the Greater Valley $1 = $5 worth of food
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County $1 = 3 Meals
There are also wonderful San Francisco organizations feeding our people that are beyond worthy of donation, such as The City Eats, which works to eradicate hunger in San Francisco; Project Open Hand, which provides meals to the sick and vulnerable in San Francisco and Oakland, and Food Runners, which transports 30,000 meals to San Francisco residents each week.
We are fortunate and deeply grateful to have so many kind Northern California organizations to support towards the collective health of our Golden State community.
Tamara publishes the California Eating website, newsletter, and zine.