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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Marke B.

Marke B.
Marke Bieschke is the publisher and arts and culture editor of 48 Hills. He co-owns the Stud bar in SoMa. Reach him at marke (at) 48hills.org, follow @supermarke on Twitter.

We want to hear from you! What should 48 Hills cover in 2019?

48 Hills is community-supported journalism, an experiment in how to save local coverage of the issues that mean the most to our readers. We'd...

Arts Forecast: Reptaliens, Spear of Destiny, V Vale….

ARTS FORECAST For decades, if you had a question about sex, any question at all, you would "Ask Isadora." The goddess of alternative weekly...

Review: The gleaming, steaming ‘Hamilton’ machine

ONSTAGE OK, Thomas Jefferson as Slick Rick got me. Dazzlingly embodied by actor Simon Longnight in the latest touring production of Hamilton to hit SF (through...

Finding out why ‘All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black’

ALL EARS This is the first time I'll be making this presentation, but I've been preparing for it all through my career," composer and musician...

Score free tickets to SF Indiefest!

We've got 10 pairs of tickets to give away to the below movies screening at SF Indiefest! To score them, send an email by...

Slain SF club kid Bubbles’ legacy lives on in ‘Bohemian Berlin Disco’

"Defender of androgyny and living life at the top of your lungs!"  Anyone who came into the chaotic, inspiring, often obnoxious but ultimately priceless orbit...

Black queer people and allies rally against violence in wake of actor’s beating

"I just want a world where we can live our lives, where we can be ourselves free from this pressure of always having to...

DJ Spooky spins the Web in YBCA’s ‘Quantopia’

ALL EARS For many, the Internet has come to seem ominous in recent years: It now represents, among other things, gentrification, invasion, surveillance, weird...

Comedowns are for losers: New Year’s Day parties 2019

PARTY RADAR The cliche is that New Year's Eve is for amateurs, but it's also for champions—can you outlast, outwit, and outplay your fellow revelers...

Party Radar: Sweet, sweet NYE

PARTY RADAR Let's kick this sorry ass-end of a year bah-byeeeeee and hit the dance floor for a couple days running, shall we? Below are...