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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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News + Politics

News + Politics

Watching the cops, and recording them …

Plus supes take on the future of Laguna Honda. That's The Agenda for Jan. 29-Feb 5.

Why it makes sense for stakeholders to sue the city for failing its affordable housing goals

The Housing Element numbers are really funky and don't make sense—and under Breed's Administration, there may be no other option.

New board committees show little dramatic change—and some potential

Conservatives take over one panel, but progressives still control budget and land use—and a new committee on homelessness could take on a big role.

Planning Department has ambitious housing goals; Mayor’s Office stands in the way

Hearing shows huge disconnect between lofty goals and the ability of the city to implement them.

Supes to consider housing farce—and start on the mayor’s budget

Everybody knows the Housing Element won't work, but it's going to be approved anyway. Maybe at least someone will ask some questions.

SF could lead the way on public power for California

Lafco hearing sets the stage for a new effort to replace private utilities, in the city and statewide.

New study says market conditions, not city requirements, prevent housing construction

It's not affordable-housing policies or regulatory delays: Under current conditions, there is no way to meet the state's housing mandates.

Remembering Jeff Beck’s endless talent, through Stevie and Mingus

A thrift store find ushered me into the guitarist's world, which straddled, rock, jazz, blues, and funk.

Breed blocks affordable housing project in District 5 for ‘petty politics’

Shuttered car wash could have been more than 100 affordable units, until the mayor went back on a deal with the supes.

As the rich party in Davos, a new study shows the importance of a global wealth tax

This needs to be on the agenda of political leaders at every level, from Congress to the SF Board of Supes.

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