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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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At this year’s SOMArts Día de Los Muertos show, ofrendas for Palestine

Curators Rio Yañez and Bridgètt Rex on 2024's 'Bearing Witness' theme, and holding space for solidarity and mourning.

Opinion: Is it time for an ACT-UP for Long COVID?

As the dangers of Long COVID become more recognized, the country's going backwards on preventing new infections.

Prison hunger strikers won limits on solitary confinement; now they are on trial again

Gang-affiliation case targets leaders of a movement that forced major changes in California prisons.

DNC week proves there’s more than one way to stand up for Gaza

From uncommitted delegates to some creative protestors, Chicago didn’t let the Dems forget the issue of Palestine

Scenes from the Poor People’s March in Chicago ….

... And the eviction of Wood Street in Oakland.

Chicago protests, day 1: ‘A big collective effort’

Large, diverse group holds (mostly) peaceful march as Dems open national convention.

2024 DNC protests may have little in common with 1968—let’s hope

Similar political contexts, sure, but progressive Chicago leadership, protestors’ focus on de-escalation, and the evolution movement itself predict change

Protesters call for Jenkins to drop charges against Golden Gate Bridge 26

Highly unusual prosecution involves felony charges for stopping traffic.

Juneteenth reading of ‘3rd & Palou’ humanized 1966 Hunters Point Uprising

Biko Eisen-Martin's thrilling work-in-progress play is 'based on the world immediately outside the exit doors.'

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