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Tagged with: Agriculture

BIG WEEK: 10 great things to do Dec. 2-6, 2015

Golden Girls, Alternative Tentacles, Man Candy, Heron Oblivion, Jingletown Art Walk, and more this week. By Marke B.  GOLDEN GIRLS: THE CHRISTMAS EPISODES This one's gonna...

The big Thanksgiving lies

The history of feast day of gluttony and consumerism isn't what you were told in school. By  Tommi Avicolli Mecca NOVEMBER 24, 2015 -- There’s no...

Censored: Ten big stories the news media ignored

Even in the social-media era, when a small news outlet can create a viral story, some of the biggest news of the past year...

The Agenda, April 6-12: Is growth always good? Has California reached its limit?

And what about a severance tax on bottled water? We discuss issues for the week ahead By Tim Redmond APRIL 6, 2015 – The New York...

Forget Outside Lands, GOATCHELLA is coming

7000 bored, hip pranksters turn tiny goat showcase into event of the season. By Marke B. PARTY RADAR Move over, Easter Bunny. Shoo away, "Yass" cat. Even a...

‘A water company that skims oil’

Who's watching to make sure that Chevron oil-field wastewater is safe to use for irrigating crops? EDITOR'S NOTE: As we reported earlier this month, it's...

Chevron and big ag are irrigating crops with oil wastewater

Oil company says the 'recycled' waste is perfectly safe. When have we heard that before? By Marc Norton FEBRUARY 3, 2015 -- The San Francisco Chronicle...

The Karl Marx Tree: How Southern Pacific Railroad killed a socialist colony in the name of creating Yosemite National Park

  By Marc Norton AUGUST 27, 2014 -- There has been considerable hoopla this summer around the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln putting his signature...

How SF Weekly and C.W. Nevius got the tech protests all wrong

Actually, protests are good. And they work. By Tim Redmond FEB. 24, 2014 -- I don’t have any bad feelings for SF Weekly these days. The...