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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: Assassinations

After nearly 50 years, a Mission tradition keeps the neighborhood spirit alive

No matter how else the city is hollowed out of its creativity, once a year there’s always Carnaval.

After 60 years, the major media still won’t tell the truth about the JFK assassination

The evidence that top officials in the military and CIA killed the president is overwhelming—but The New York Times won't even run an oped about it.

The local record and legacy of Dianne Feinstein

Let's celebrate her accomplishments. But there's another story that needs to be told. I was there.

Foreign Correspondent: Iran assassination aims to hurt Biden

Israel and Trump are deliberately trying to provoke a crisis for the next President to inherit, Iran sources say

Screen Grabs: Will you strap in for the re-opening of SF cinemas?

Officials say next week is the re-entry date. Even if you're not ready to go IRL to theaters, here's a full lineup of new releases and online festivals to keep you glued to the screen.

Foreign Correspondent: US beats the drums of war in Iran

While the world focuses on the coronavirus pandemic, tensions between the US and Iran are heating up. The two countries are engaging in tit-for-tat military...

Life before dot-com: Two exhibitions explore the not-so-distant past of SF

San Francisco has tended to be defined by its high profile cultural moments and movements, from the libertine Barbary Coast era to the Beats,...

Screen Grabs: Andy Warhol’s brilliant camp

SCREEN GRABS Andy Warhol was the man who sold the world on Pop Art in the 1960s, and much of that success lay in...

The politics of the Milk-Moscone assassinations

The assassinations of Harvey Milk and George Moscone were a terrible human tragedy. The murder of the first openly gay elected official in the...

Capturing Harvey Milk’s martyrdom and living legacy

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the assassinations of Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone. (It's also the 10th anniversary of Milk, the movie...