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Saturday, June 1, 2024

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Tagged with: Bayview

Fate of Bayview facility threatens City College funding chances

The school promised $35 million to the community. Now, a battle over an obscure legal concept has the supes and the College Board at odds.

Mixing — and celebrating — cultures in a Bayview child-care center

Teaching Behind the Mask: Antonia Velegas and Maki Matsunami team up to build bridges and educate young children in a challenging environment.

Good Taste: It’s-It Minis, Double Double sushi, and Indigenous energy bars

Plus: MoAD chef Bryant Terry’s new food book imprint and a needed Grocery Outlet opens in Bayview

Family child care: A real business that makes a big impact on a community

Teaching Behind the Mask: Why FCCs need more resources -- and respect.

There’s a lot more to the GG Park debate than cars v. bikes

This is part of a huge discussion the city needs to have about transportation -- and equity -- in a post-COVID world.

A call for the state to revoke PG&E’s license to sell power

In the wake of more criminal charges, some say the PUC should end the private utility's role as the main energy provider in Northern California (paving the way for public power).

Homeless people lack access to water

People on SF's streets can't even access the UN's minimum requirements for potable water, new report shows.

‘Free Malik’ protest calls for end to private prisons

Activists want Bay View editor released -- and the Geo Group out of California.

New documentary exposes COVID crisis at private SF prison

Adachi Project film shows the inside story of virus outbreaks -- and the Geo Group's failure to contain them.

It takes a city to open the schools

Testing, tracking, vaccines -- and Muni! -- have to be part of the plan, and neoliberal leadership isn't going to help.