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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: Capitalism

As city debates deal, Google bus protests continue

A few hours before the Board of Supes debated the future of the Google bus program, anti-eviction activists blocked six buses, demonstrating that public...

The Super Bowl’s bread and circuses did not bring SF together

Even by BeyondChron’s standard level of frequent apologia for select members of the City’s elite, the post, “Super Bowl City promoted unity, not division...

The tragedy of poverty

JANUARY 13, 2016 -- Gripping the steering wheel so tightly my hands hurt, I saw my mama so many years before, looking straight ahead...

The Nimbys and the housing crisis

I probably shouldn’t pay too much attention to a story about San Francisco written by a guy who lives in Venice and likes to...

Chaos isn’t “change”

By Calvin Welch DECEMBER 23, 2015 -- In a period when our national politics are dominated by candidates on the right that rely on “counter...

The battle for the Bike Coalition reflects SF’s political divide

By Steven T. Jones DECEMBER 17, 2015 -- San Francisco is a divided city, and that political division is playing out in dramatic fashion within the San Francisco...

The attack on local zoning control

  DECEMBER 8, 2015 -- My last story about the continuing power struggle between the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission...

The big Thanksgiving lies

The history of feast day of gluttony and consumerism isn't what you were told in school. By  Tommi Avicolli Mecca NOVEMBER 24, 2015 -- There’s no...

A pricey palace, huge losses in risky investments, a busted bridge — and now the agency responsible wants more power

  OCTOBER 11, 2015 -- It now looks as if the open power struggle between the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation...

Future fantasies collide in “Late Stage San Francisco”

Maryam Rostami's latest performance piece takes on problematic visions, apocalypse porn, and "roadkill Kardashians." By Caitlin Donohue ONSTAGE Performer Maryam Farnaz Rostami hardly thinks that her play...