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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Capitalism

Breed’s attack on the sanctuary ordinance, Jenkins’ attack on police accountability …

... plus remote public comments, the Housing Element, and a deal that limits the DA's role in police-shooting investigations. That's The Agenda for March 5-12

Politics, 2023: The budget crisis, housing, the mayor’s race, criminal justice ….

... and will this be the year that the Yimby narrative finally falls apart? Our projections.

City study completely ignores the reality of gentrification and displacement

Report on 469 Stevenson misses the point as planners reconsider controversial housing development.

Remembering Spain’s 15-M Movement, Occupy’s scrappy precursor

As the US looks back a decade later, a necessary reminder that Occupy was a reverberation of a global movement.

Occupy San Francisco was a game-changer

Ten years later, remembering the movement that gave us "We are the 99 percent" and put economic inequality on the national agenda.

Screen Grabs: ‘Eyes of Tammy Faye’ blinks at real issues

Plus: Poignant sunset hippie idealism in 'Freeland,' Nic Cage's latest wild ride, and a St. Vincent hall of mirrors.

Screen Grabs: The ballad of Fatty Arbuckle

The anniversary of Hollywood's biggest silent era scandal. Plus: The Card Counter, Blue Collar, 499, and a great socialism doc.

Forever Coastin’: Reflecting on the loss of iconic Oakland rapper Zumbi

We lost a rapper, father, and community pillar. But Zumbi's legacy is rooted in us all.

Rada drums, hammer, and sickle: Oakland artist configures new worlds

Haitian-born creator Rivka Louissaint takes seriously art's potential for social change.

Drag legend Terence Alan Smith takes center stage in ‘The Beauty President’

As Joan Jett Blakk, the performer made two historic runs for president. A new short film asks what could have been.