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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Cars

The Agenda, Sept. 8-13: A developer giveaway worth billions

SF wants to let speculators and developers pay far less than they owe for providing Muni service -- meaning the rest of us have...

Eviction by neglect: Mission tenants forced out of crumbling building

More than 20 people still on the streets months after city calls building "uninhabitable" -- and landlord fights relocation fees By Alexis Terrazas and Tim...

Displacement policy at risk in quiet power struggle

Two regional agencies battling over the future of Bay Area planning -- with social justice in the balance By Zelda Bronstein JULY 21, 2015 --At a...

Bear witness: Voices of Ciudad Juárez come to Z Space

Director Rubén Polendo interviewed over 200 Juarenses to tell a dynamic, staged story of their memory and survival, Thu/23-Sat/25. By Caitlin Donohue. ONSTAGE You might know...

The Agenda, July 20-26: Micro-units and affordable housing …

... and should a parking garage become highrise luxury condos on the waterfront? We review the issues coming up this week By Tim Redmond JULY 20,...

Flower Mart wins historic deal — but it’s not over yet

Preservation depends on city approval of a project that violates existing law By Zelda Bronstein JULY 10, 2015 -- On June 26, the San Francisco Flower...

Art Looks: Hardcore Cronenberg, Beast Crawl, Monster Drawing Rally, ‘Making a Scene,’ Symphony at Pier 27…

Colorful arts and culture events and happenings of note this week, July 8-13. By Marke B.  ART LOOKS After a too-long absence (about 10 years), Burning Man...

The Agenda, July 6-12: A terrible killing becomes a political attack on immigrants …

... plus Uber and traffic, and a bill that would help public power by making PG&E's fossil-fuel and nuclear mix more expensive By Tim Redmond JULY...

A perspective: Owning white privilege — and fronting poverty

Another way of looking at the media horror show that is the Rachel Dolezal story By Tiny JUNE 16, 2015 -- “White culture isn’t good for anyone,...

The Agenda, June 15-21: Destroying culture for condos

Plus: Uber's hypocrisy, the school assignment system -- and George Soros on capitalism JUNE 15, 2015 – A plan that would wipe out five buildings...