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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: City Budget

Mayor’s budget denies housing groups’ requests

Three months ago, a team of homeless service providers sent the city a proposal for housing San Francisco residents without a home and keeping...

Mandelman sets up D8 showdown

Rafael Mandelman, who led the City College Board through some very rough times, surprised nobody in local politics when he formally announced last week...

The Agenda, March 20-26: Breed’s oddly conservative attack on income taxes

So now we know for sure what Donald Trump and the Republicans have in mind for their first budget:  Cut everything that is good...

The budget picture is bleak — but Mayor Lee has no worries

It was all doom and gloom at the Board of Supes Budget Committee March 9, with the mayor’s budget director and the controller warning...

The Agenda, March 6-12: The next front in the anti-Trump resistance

The looming train wreck that is the San Francisco budget will start to take shape this week when the supes Budget and Finance Committee...

Supes, mayor fail on immigration

Everyone involved is putting a (fairly) nice face on it, but the reality is that the Board of Supes Budget and Finance Committee’s rejection...

As Trump wages war on women’s health, San Francisco’s elected women are fighting back

As the Trump administration moved into defund international Planned Parenthood San Francisco's elected women leaders are fighting back. On Tuesday, Supervisor Hillary Ronen introduced a resolution that strongly...

The Agenda, 2017: How SF can really fight Trumpism

Everyone at City Hall agrees that San Francisco should be the Anti-Trump City. We are mostly Democrats in this city, and other than the...

The SF election: What happened?

 The 2016 election may well be a turning point in our national and local politics. The problem is that it’s unclear what direction the...

Big wins for progressives at key board meeting

The Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday started off with the mayor showing up for Question Time and asking for unity on the city budget...